Wednesday, June 30, 2010

dont you get it?

i'm inadequate! i feel like there's nothing special i really have to offer that will make people want to hire me!

this'll be where the credentials come in, but if i dont have as many of that as other people who even have special skills to offer AND good grades AND experience AND contacts, then i dont stand a chance.

i dont even have clearly cut back-up plans! :))

look, i'm kind of anti-social for a Comm major, and i dont trust myself that much.

so dont just tell me i shouldnt worry about getting a good job when i graduate just because i come from this university!

i will find the answer in Peels.
0 boo(s)

1:08 AM

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

sometimes, there are these annoying internet loudmouths.

if you're following at least one of them on Twitter or Tumblr (just like I happily/irritatingly am), expect:

1. a useless, unnecessary comment on EACH and EVERY reblogged pictures they post (just "THIS.", "HAHAHAHAHA!", etc) *take note: my beef is not with the comment, it is with the "each and every".

2. 80% cheesy, corny, unrealistic, sickeningly saccharine/emo love quotes, stories, lyrics etc. occasionally (20%) a cute animal/drawing pic or funny/witty post.

3. over-exaggerated emotions on every mundane event in their lives ("I'M GONNA DIE/KILL MYSELF/USE CAPS LOCK/CURSE LIKE CRAZY")

4. a rundown of the things they did today (good lord, nobody cares!)

5. the only different topic in your Twitter dashboard during a timely issue(which would be about them, of course) so your timeline will go something like this:
6. some fragmented internet/Tumblr lingo (iz, FML, hai gaiz!, nao, i cant even!, Mean Girls reference, etc), weak pop culture knowledge (only goes as far as mainstream American TV shows...), complete naivety about indie music/films (or maybe its just the lack of proof that suggest otherwise)

7. A BAD MOOD EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. that compels them to take it out on the internet every night. 90% of what they post online is WHINING. WHINING SO MUCH IT LEAKS OUT OF MY MONITOR AND IS ON ITS WAY TO GIVING ME AN ANEURYSM.

8. rants/complaints/whines about parents

9. probably more. something Twilight or Glee related i suppose, fandom or otherwise.

the best part is that once criticized for being so ANNOYING, this kind of internet loudmouth will go something like this:

"cuss cuss cuss i dont care what you think expletive expletive cuss so unfollow me! blahblahblahblah mga h8erzz kayo!! cuss expletive cuss i am so gonna do shit nao!! yadda yadda OH WAIT THIS ISNT ON CAPS LOCK YET whine whine whine YOU PEOPLE ARE SO JUDGMENTAL! blah blah cuss cuss rant rant I MISS HIGHSCHOOL WHERE MY UNSTABLE EMOTIONS WERE EXCUSABLE! whine whine I'M GONNA PROVE SOMETHING TO THE WORLD SOMEDAY! PUTANGINA dghjklshg'asgdas SHIT FUCK LINTEK GODDAMN assghdk;fgjdl EMOTION EMOTION EXAGGERATION!!! cuss cuss cuss LIFE IS SO HARD! I'M GONNA GO KILL MYSELF!

ok, i'm gonna go take a bath and SLEEP for x number of hours nao because i got a headache from whining too much

person i'm in a relationship with, I'LL LOVE YOU til the day i die"

sorry man, they're just trainwrecks of attention-whoring accounts and i CAN'T look away. :|

what is A RANT POST?? hahaha



i will find the answer in Peels.
0 boo(s)

10:12 PM

Friday, June 25, 2010

its surprising how one person can catch another person's hidden vulnerability in little things online.
its also surprising how there are really some behavioral patterns with people who go out of there way to "prove something to the world" even when its already unnecessary and almost lurking in attention-seeking territory.

but these people come with some sort of vibe as well, that i somehow pick up, and, even if i try to shrug it off and see them in a different light... they just keep exuding whiffs of "need to be better than everyone else" like bad BO. and sometimes no matter how impressive the things these people do, they always just come off to me as trying too hard to "prove something". the activities they're into just feel like the way they deal with some deep-seated insecurities they want to prove they can conquer.

these people have an intensity to them, not a natural kind of intensity, but like, an achieved intensity they are determined to maintain. they are (secretly) concerned with how people react to the things they do and say. they're also most likely to tell lots of other people. they like to add shock value to the things they do, so even when they arent the best fit for the activity, the effort and ability to succeed seems impressive in itself. a number maybe are emotional wrecks on the inside but you'll also probably see that in their blogs or something.

they like to think self-improvement via being active in an unnecessary number of things will make them a better person to other people, but i guess in reality, tyler durden is right: self-improvement is masturbation.

or maybe i'm just spewing out bullshit. maybe some of "these people" do have sincere, multiple interests at heart. but i just saw someone tweet something along the lines of "why didnt anyone respond to my previous tweet about something socially relatable?" wtf, man? it just seemed kinda desperate to me. and so i thought about how that kinda behavior is similar with other people i know whose attention-seeking intentions are more obvious......

i will find the answer in Peels.
0 boo(s)

7:13 AM

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

why yes i am fully aware that i'm an optional.

why yes i know there are lots of other things more important than being with me.

i will find the answer in Peels.
0 boo(s)

8:03 AM

the cookie queen

everyone's favorite afterthought.


a little less conversation

You Are All My Reasons

The Eyes are a Giveaway

the cutting room floor

Never Take Friendship Personal



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